Wartales – Full Vertruse Province Region Map & Locations Guide (2025)

By: Chris Marling - Updated:

Welcome to wine country.

Once you’ve explored the stories in Tiltren County in Wartales, it's time to take your Border Pass to one of the border crossings and continue your adventures from levels 4-6. If you choose to venture into the Vertruse Province, read on for my full region map and location guide.

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All locations in Vertruse Province - Wartales

If you’re playing on Experienced difficulty and in Region-locked Exploration mode, you’ll find all the enemies you’ll face in Vertruse are between levels four and six. The animals and many of the fighter types you’ll meet are the same, but there are a few surprises.

Related: Wartales Assassin specialization guide (map)

  1. Drombach Border Crossing: Gives access to the Drombach County Region (levels 9+), either costing 200 Krowns or a Border Pass.
  2. Vertruse Tomb: Once complete, you’ll be able to research and gain a Legendary Weapon titled Nepti’s Axe (one-handed axe). Check out our Wartales Vertruse Tomb puzzle solution and Walkthrough if you need help with this one.
  3. Workers Union: Iron mine and quest location.
  4. Old Manor: Final (second) quest location for The Missing Apothecary. I found this to be one of the toughest battles in the region.
  5. Brownrock Mine: Iron mine and quest location.
  6. Tracker’s Camp: Quest location, plus blueprints including three armor layers (Hunter’s Reinforced, Tracker’s Reinforced, Layer of the Rat).
  7. Alazar Abode: Scenario quest location.
  8. Brownrock Town: Just a Blacksmith and an Inn, although the Inn does have an NPC selling Venison if you're short on food.
  9. Rat Infestation: Bounty reward.
  10. Vertrusian Stables: Quest location.
  11. Sentinel Tower: Quest location and bandit lair. You'll save a Fisherman here, who will give you an Ornate Key as thanks. Meet him again at Mermant's Fishery (27) later to use it.
  12. Flooded Mine: Iron mine, quest location, and bandit battle.
  13. Saint Lenaid’s Abbey: Quest location.
  14. Juggler’s Camp: Quest location. You’ll find their lost wolf, Buddy, on the beach north of Mermant’s Fishery (27). If you haven't completed the quest yet, you should also be able to get the Lute here for the Bard skill.
  15. Master Gerolt’s Drapery: Delivery location for the An Exquisite Tent quest at the Slave Camp (30).
  16. Vertrusian Jail: Companions for no Influence, plus criminal drop-off location. You can also get the Stocks camp recipe here, which stops a prisoner from escaping from your camp.
  17. Dark Cave: Investigate inside the jail cell (16) to gain access to this area and quest.
  18. Loop Vineyard: quest location.
  19. Johan Molen’s Vineyard: Quest location.
  20. Winfel Estate: Quest location.
  21. Rat Infestation: Bounty reward. You’ll also find a rough patch of ground just northeast of it where you can dig up the missing chest required for the Krown Appropriation quest from the Town Hall in Marheim (23).
  22. Marheim Castle: Quest location and Blacksmith.
  23. Marheim: All the standard town locations can be found here. Be sure to seek out the trapdoor in the Market for the A Strange Smell Quest. The Missing Apothecary quest also starts here. I find this the best place to put a Travel Post, as it is so central to the overall map.
  24. Old Sawmill: Quest location.
  25. Gosenberg Border Crossing: You do not need to pay to cross this border. However, this gives access to the Grinmere Region which has mobs up to level eight.
  26. Smot’s Arena: Beating the champion here will reward you with a Legendary Weapon named Viper (a dagger).
  27. Mermant’s Fishery: Fishing and quest location. If you've caved Mermant from Sentinel Tower (11), you can talk to him and then find a chest to use the Ornate Key just north of the Fishery at the fishing spot there.
  28. Brotherhood Training Grounds: Skill books, respecs, and Legendary Weapon upgrades.
  29. Bandit’s Lair: A tough fight until you’ve cleared out the other local bandits. Worth it though, as it's where you can loot the Salt Scoop tinker recipe.
  30. Slave Camp: Investigate one of the tents here to start the Exquisite Tent quest linked to Master Gerolt’s Drapery (15).
  31. Vertrusian Windmill: Return here after completing Smot’s Arena (26) to learn the Assassin specialization for the Ranger class.
  32. Gosenberg Border Crossing: The easiest way to return to Tiltern County.
  33. Harag Border Crossing: This border crossing gives access to the Ludern Region for either 200 Krowns or a Border Pass. Ludern has mobs around levels seven to eight, and I recommend visiting it once you’re done with both Vertruse Province and the County of Arthes.
  34. Colonel Alexa Grathan: This is the boss battle for Vertruse Province. You’ll need to use a Piton to get to this location, either down from the Rat Infestation or Brownrock Mine. Defeating her will reward you with two Legendary Items, Splitter (two-handed axe) and Alexa’s Hamata (medium armor).
  35. Fellowship of Knowledge: Only becomes available once you reach level 8 on the Mysteries and Wisdom Path. Location of the Pendulum of the Ancients. The pendulum allows you to find, research, and use several new Camp accessories.
  36. Vertruse Sepulche Door: This only becomes available once you have completely translated the Combatants Codex. Once you have, reenter Vertruse, and will appear on the map. Use the code you've discovered from the completed Codex to open the door. It is a single-room non-combat dungeon with a chest containing a Belt Accessory.
  37. Rouste Ball Field: A mini-game similar to American Football (but closer to Blood Bowl). There is also a quest here, Empty Casks, which requires you to buy and deliver 30 bottles of Gosenberg Wine to the field.

I found Zealots particularly tough at first, so you may want to save battles, including fanatics, until last. They retaliate to every hit from an engaged enemy, hard, so it's best to engage and then block while taking them down with rangers or ranged attacks. I enjoyed the story here, too, although it has you running all around the map.


If something changes, do let us know in the comments below so we can update the guide. At the time of writing, the game was still having content added through regular patches.

Looking for more Wartales guides? Check out and Wartales Legendary Weapons List here at Pro Game Guides!

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About the Author

Wartales – Full Vertruse Province Region Map & Locations Guide (3) Chris Marling is a writer and editor with more than 20 years of experience across newspapers, magazines, and websites. Based in the UK, he has written professionally on everything from tech to tearooms. But his real passion is gaming, going right back to the Atari 2600 - and especially RPGs and MMOs. He cut his teeth on games such as The Realm and Anarchy Online. But 20 years on still gets excited about exploring each new world. When not online, you'll find him gaming analog-style around the table. Chris has had five of his own board games published, including Pioneer Days and Armageddon.

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Wartales – Full Vertruse Province Region Map & Locations Guide

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Wartales – Full Vertruse Province Region Map & Locations Guide (2025)


How many areas are there in wartales? ›

How many areas? 6 total, unless you also count that little area east of Tiltren that only has a tavern.

What are the new regions in wartales? ›

New Region: Alazar

A place of knowledge and discovery, it is where the cure for the Plague was once developed. But now, a new plague ravages the land, and even the wisest of scholars are unable to halt its spread.

What is the best starting region in Wartales? ›

Tiltren is the best location to start, the most rewarding quests and good map layout, i dont recommand starting on another map. Well if you really know the game, Arthas is good startup zone. Since it nets you 2 recruits a Ranger and a Brute. one of the houses have starter chest with sword and heavy armour inside.

What level for Wartales DLC? ›

So you need to be 8/12 toward the old level cap (or 9/13 toward the new cap), making the DLC zone a mid-to-late game zone. Originally posted by Doom_Cookies: The Full Detailed Map Guide with annotations has it listed as levels 8-10, making it the second highest level zone on Region Locked mode.

What is the level limit in wartales? ›

In Wartales, Max Level Cap for companions and enemies/wild monsters is 15, but for standard companion it is 13 (maybe bug). You can check below the grade that shows Level/Needed Experience. The XP bar will reset each time you reach a new level.

Can you fast travel in wartales? ›

You are going to unlock (level 4 Trade achievement) a Trade Post in your first town. Then you must build one on each town for fast travel. Tip: don't use fast travel for trade.

What is the level limit in Wartales? ›

In Wartales, Max Level Cap for companions and enemies/wild monsters is 15, but for standard companion it is 13 (maybe bug). You can check below the grade that shows Level/Needed Experience. The XP bar will reset each time you reach a new level.

Can prisoners be recruited in Wartales? ›

For any other type of prisonner, you cant recruit him/her right away, he or she needs to gain your trust, either placing them in the camp besides other members, giving him good meals, placing guards (like wolves) besides him, building camp tools to keep prisonners without escaping until they can be recruited, etc.

What is the point of the camp chest in Wartales? ›

What´s the point with camp chest? I thought it would take weight from you, but it doesn´t. It's only for the thief class to turn stolen items into normal. And if you want to use stolen items for the crafts before normal ones, you must keep the the red items and place the others in the chest.

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