The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

SAYHM, l'A SATURDAY, SliPTKMBEK 13, ATHENS OFFICE AT MESSNER'8 DRUG STORE, iW IRCO CLUB TO PLAN FALL ACTIVITIES FIGHT FANS GET ATHENS MAN RETURNS FROM ENCAMPMENT STORES READY FOR FAIR The business section of Athens will present a very attractive appearance to the thousands of fair visitors next week. The uniform flag decorations tflll be on display and in addition to that nearly every business place on South Main street has had if front painted. In addition to those which have been mentioned as receiving fresh" coats of paint are the Keavln To-' bacco Store, W. S. Miller Groceiy store and the E.

K. Drake Clothing store. Thomas Stalford returned yester day from attending the annual encampment of the United Spanish War Veterans which was held at Michigan City, Ind. Mr. Stalford lias attended 20 encampments and is known to Spanish War veterans in all parts of the United States.

He stated that the veterans were royally entertained and will hold the 1925 encampment in St. Fla. One of the principal subjects discussed at the gathering was the effort being made to have legislation enacted to put Spanish war veterans on the same fooling as the veterans of all other wans regarding pensions, hospitalization and medical treatment. UNFILLED STEEL ORDERS NEW YORK, Sept. 13 United orders of the U.

S. Steel Corporation show an increase of 102,505 tons for tlie month of August. On August 31 the unfilled tonnage was 3,689,577 tons against 3,187,072 on July 31, and 3,202,505 on June 30, 1924, and on August 31, 1923. ATHENS PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs.

Pearl Merlthew and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gregory attended the Syracuse State Fair yesterday. Miss Margaret McMahon of East Plne street has returned from a camping trip in the. Berkshire mountains in Massachusetts.

She was acompanled by Miss Ramsey Nevett of Washington, D. who will be her guest for several days. Thomas Stalford lias returned from Michigan City, where heUended the 2lith National Encampment of the United Spanish War Veterans. Harry O'Neil of Elmira was here yesterday. Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Havens of Church street, left early this morning by motor to attenu the Syracuse State Fair. Mr.

and Mrs. A. R. Brown and Mr. and Mrs.

II. J. Forbes attended the Bradford county fair in To-wanda yesterday. George D. Powers and C.

F. Thurston were in 'Laporte and Lopez yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grocfivant of Spruce street, are attending the Syracuse State Fair.

Clarence Montgomery of the Powers, Soper and Moslier Conv pany, was in Troy on business for that firm Thursday and Friday. Clay Bradley of Towanda was here today. Charles Hunt has returned to New York City after spending a week with relatives here. Miss Geraldlne Miller baa resumed her studies at Syracuse University after spending her vacation in Athens. Clifton Lynch of North Main street, leaves tomorrow for Syracuse, where he will resume his studies at Syracuse University.

Mrs. Charles E. Gray of South street, leaves tomorrow on Lehigh Valley train No, 7 lor Alameda, MR. AND MRS. ROBINSON OF E.

SMITHFIELD ARE GIVEN SURPRISE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson of East Sniithneld were pleasantly surprised at their home last evening when 20 of their friends flailed at. 5 o'clock. A bountiful and delicious dinner was served.

The occasion was. also the 30th anniversary 61' the marriage of Mi and Mrs. Fred Marvin of Athens, and it was brought to tho attention of the guests when a large cake with the words "30th anniversary of Fred and Jennie" inscribed on It was placed on the dining table. Following the dinner a pleasant social evening was enjoyed. Those present were Miss Mildred Marvin, iMt.

and Mrs. Fred Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. John Smitfr, Mr. and Mrs.

H. G. von Wolfradt, Mr. and Mrs. William 'Sickler, Mr.

and Mrs. B. Loomis, all of Athens; Mr and Mrs. R. T.

Heis-ley of Philadelphia, and Merrill Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carpenter of East Smithtield. SCANNELL SHOWS HOSPITAL BONDS Something new in the way of a Fair exhibit 'is being arranged by J. P.

Scannell, local representative of the National Surety Company, for the Inter-State Fair next week. Ho is planning a display showing the advantages of the company's new Hospital Bond, which pays a subscriber's hospital bill in any institution in the country, regardless of the cause of confinement. The bond is backed by a company which is one of the international leaders in its field and is managed by a former Athens boy, John F. Mee. NEXT WEEK'S WEATHER WASHINGTON, Sept.

13 Weather outlook for period September 15 to 20, inclusive: North and Middle Atlantic States: Showers about the middle of week and again at the end. Temperatures near or slightly be low normal. Region Great Lakes: Showers the fust half and again during the lat ter half of week. Temperatures near of slightly below normal. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE Ripe plums.

Phone 102-W. 13Slt WANTED Ash hauling, digging cesspools and cleaning cesspools and team work. Phone 10G-W. The fall aeUvUi'is of t-hu lreo club xv IU be inaugurated next Monday evening at which time an in-teri'Stins program will be enjoyed cud a buffet lunch served. The affair will begin at 7:30 o'clock.

Captains have been appointed have charge of the pool, billiard, bowling and other nmlesls. There will also be a radio concert. Cards will also be played. VARIETY SHOWER GIVEN FOR PROSPECTIVE BRIDE Mrs. P.

A. JimiTson and Mrs. L. I. Stalker were the hostesses at.

a variety shower given at the home of Mrs. Stalker on South' Main street this afternoon in honor of Miss Beryl Bradshaw, who is to be married to Sterling Van Naniee of Rochester, on Septem- may beautiful gilts. Bridge and r.nn .....1 served. HIGHEST CASH PRICE. Paid for old papers, magazines, rags, Iron and other ewtala.

Call ua If yon have anjtbJnt. Phone 76-D. mu MAX COHEN Columbia Talking Machines Pianos REfc 1 Winters Store Is Crowded To Hear White Describe Great Battle Defense Day orators had nothing on J. Andrew Whiten, nationally known radio announcer, telling Athens fight fans, gathered at Winter's Cigar Store on South Main street, how Wills was standing up to the Wild Bull of the Pampas Thursday evening. The report sf the baitie royal, blow by blow, came over a DeFor-est radio, equipped -with a Western Electric loud speaker, and tho tuned down, could bo distinctly heard a block away from the cigar store.

The store itself was crowded with a throng that responded to White's quick comments more acutely than if they had been at the arena, itself. W. B. Winters, manager of the store, said today that he will have the finest radio exhibit ever shown in the valley at the Athous fair next week. His booth is to be under the grandstand, where e'emonstrations will be given cou tinuously.

GIRL ATTEMPTS TO MURDER PHYSICIAN CHICAGO, Sept. 13 (United Press). A psychopathic examination was made today of Miss Rosalie O'Reilly, pretty 21 year old graduate of the University of Chicago, who last night attempted to kill Dr. Alexander C. Weiner, 62, staff physiciau at the West Shore Hospital.

Miss O'Reilly said she wanted to avenge the death of her mother, who was treated by the physician. Dr. Wiener was seated in his office when the girl walked in, pointed a revolver at him and pulled the trigger twice. The weapon failed to go off and the girl fled, but was captured by Dr. Wiener after a short chase.

"I meant to torture him," Miss O'Reilly told police. Miss O'Reilly is librarian at a public library branch here. Democrats elected the sheriff in Aroostook county, Maine, which, of course, proves that the result was a mighty triumph for Davis and Bryan. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs.

Rodney Brink of Elmira, N. September 10 111, a son, Rodney Charles, Sirs. Brink was formedly Miss Cora Davis of Athens. The Athens Boys' Band will re. hearse in 1he high school next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

A full attendance is desired, as tho band will give two concerts tho latter part of next week. lSSlt. L. R. Stollz, Director The civil war in China went in out of the rain yesterday.

As a war is worse than a flood, let us keeps on raining. to the Fair to sit under fVio r.nppa tinrl a-ffov imn Athens A GOOD MEAL MAKES ANY A MV A ID A UADDirD OS Arc Hems Before you go over flip Vmf sun tn wntrri where she will HpeufcT some time Willi her Mrs. Joseph A. Carlson and Mrs. Charles F.

Tretheway. The members of the Athens Boys' Band will hold a rehearsal in the high school gymnasium at 4 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon. Richard May of South street, leaves tonight on train No. 7 for Chicago, where he will matriculate at the Chicago Technical College. Rev.

and Mrs. G. H. Wilson and sons of Lyons, N. have re turned to their home after a visit with Mr.

and Mrs. J. H. Hale of Athens. Miss Neva Grant of 223 Bridge street has entered the People's hos pital Training School for Nurses in Say re tire of its hot dogs and pop, drop in to the New Stimson House Dining Room for a meal of home-cooked food that will make the world look brighter, Special menus are prepared for every day of Fair week.

The New Stimson House South Main street 10 ERIE ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY Full Line of Large and Small Sixes' Will Be Exhibited At the Fair No mere extensive display of molor cars will appear on tha Inter-Stale fair grounds next week than that which is being arrange! by the Athens Motor Company lor the series of Buicks. A full line of ligiht sixes is bei-ig pn sealed this year to show what rapid strides Buick has made since its departure from the field for the sake of specialising on sixes. The smaller ears have the same beautiful lines and iliamlsonie finish of the Big Sixes and come in as many different models so as lo satisfy every purse and every whim. The Buick Big Sixes always at-trae1. atlcnlhm and those in the lair exhibit are no exception.

An especial boast of Buick is tho fact that whereas they wore almost alone in the fnur-wheo brake field last year, almost all the higher priced cars on exhibition tills September are so equipped. titching Sheet Music Records r-1 Athens, Pa. fi lCKen DINING HALL FREE! 111' hum US I il nsECiasW TONIGHT AND MONDAY LEAHY'S EVENTSJTONIGHT Athens Library open 7 to 9 p. ni. Morley Theater, "Lawless Men," 7:30 p.

m. Oxford Bible Class corn roast, P. in. EVENTSJMONDAY Opening day of Athens Fair. lrco Club meets p.

m. Lehigh Valley Railroad pay day. Ft. Sullivan Post, American Legion, meets 8 p. m.

Morley Theater, "Not a Drum Was Heard," 7:30 p. m. Saxaphone Club meets at TAb South Main street, 7:30 p. m. Baptist church banquet, 30 p.

m. Lady Griffin Rebekah lodge meets 8 p. m. i Athens Library open 2 to 5 p. m.

TEENT INTERSTATE Fll WILL OPEN 1 No Plans Have Been Spared To Make the Exhibition, a Success To Be Open Evenings The lfith annual exhibition of the Athens Inter-Slate Fair Association will open next Monday morning and continue during the week, days and evenings as usual. Monday will lie Opening Day; Tuesday, Farmers Day; 'Wednesday, Reunion Day; Thursday, Valley Day; Friday, Soldiers and Children's Day, when soldiers of all wars, their wives, widows, and all children under 10 years of age, will be admitted free. Saturday will be Automobile and Pay-Off Day. General admission will be 50 cents at the gate. No charge for children under 10 years of age when accompanied by parenls or guardians.

Grandstand admission will be 25 cents to all. There will be no gate or parking charges for private aulo-mobiles. No return checks will be given. The Association has spared no pains to make this, more than ever, tlio annual event of the valley. Thousands of dollars have been spent on improvements of tho grounds.

As an educational and enlerlaining affair it is a fitting close of the season. It will bo open each day from 9 a. in. to 11 p. m.

Among the exhibitors are F. A. Armstrong son, Leon Loomis, Eugene Lent, Sidney Zausnier, W. If. Dennis, Finch Brothers, E.

L. Stone, Powers, Soper Moslier, Daniel North, Daniel Tierney, Porter Ruggles, Welles Music House, Singer Sewing Machine Company, W. J. B. Winters, Mrs.

Sherman, millinery; Mrs. Smythe, ladies' furnishings; M. E. Knott, Weller Marvin, Vacuette Company, Catlin Walker, Scannell Brothers, National Surety Company, Atlas Club. Next Saturday a five-passenger Nash touring car, a Ford sedan and an automobile robe will be given to the three patrons' who lfold the lucky tickets in the drawings.

Each person purchasing a gate or grand stand ticket is eligible for one or more of those splendid prizes. ATHENS IS FREE FROM CONTAGIOUS DISEASE Health Officer Robert J. Mulligan announced this morning that there are no contagious diseases existing in Athens borough at the present time, and no indications that there will bo any in The near future. The quarantine restrictions have been removed from the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Baxter, of Pennsylvania avenue, where their five year old son, Kenneth had been ill of infantile paralysis and the occupants are now free to go about as usual and receive visitors at their home. SAXAPHONE CLUB The first rehearsal of the complete saxaphone band will be held at the residence of L. R. Stoltz, 73S South Main street, Athens, at 7:30 o'clock next Monday evening. All amateur saxaphone players in Athens, Waverly and Sayre, Towanda and surrounding towns, are cordially invited to be present and bring their instruments.

L. It. Stoltz. 12S2t One can't absorb the three R's when the temperature is high and the humidity low. ffl uinner i 'A ON THE 14 Campbell, Prop.

SIXTEENTH INI F-R-E-E This Viclrola will be given away absolutely FREE to some one Saturday, Sept. 20th? at the Fair Grounds. Visit our booth at the Fair Grounds for details. F. A.

ARMSTRONG SON 1 Here is a beautiful assortment of Ladies Flannelette Gowns, new crisp and fresh looking in a pretty assortment of colorful stripes just received for this SPECIAL SALE. They are well tailored of standard quality materials, and will launder perfectly. Some are trimmed with silk embroidery, some with neat braid and others with novelty stitching. Every woman will want to grasp this opportunity to lay in a supply of these gowAS as such occasions come only once in a long, long time. COME EARLY extra size Same in 3f)2 S.

Main St. rt i ft I I i AT THE f. 50c per plate 2-MMiHCli Fair Grounds SUNDAY, SEPT. H. R..

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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